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The Antisurge Control Application (ACA) designed and developed by Control-Care Systems, protects your centrifugal or axial compressor from experiencing surges efficiently and reliably. Control-Care’s method of accurately defining the surge line over a wide range of changing conditions allows you to set the control safety line for optimum surge protection without unnecessary recycling or blow-off. The controller provides fully integrated multi-loop, multiple-body compressor antisurge control on a hardware independent platform (PLC or DCS).
Our flexible antisurge control configuration capabilities cover all types of centrifugal and axial turbocompressors. From integrally geared packaged compressor units to multiple cases, multiple sections or side-loads in any type of process environment. The entire compressor train control scheme can include compressor performance and antisurge control, loadbalancing optimization, steam turbine speed control, gas turbine fuelcontrol, compressor and turbine auxiliaries sequencing, parametric diagnostics and ESD system interfacing.
Our ACA application helps you to effectively protect your turbo compressor from surge during start-up conditions as well as during (ab)normal operation with minimal recycle or blow-off.